Friday, January 14, 2011

Diner with the presidents

I christian am going to be Ronald Regan for my diner with the presidents the school is called Shasta elementary.I'm doing quotes for the diner with the president and I'm in a little group with my friend sam it starts on Thursday February 24th at 5;15 pm to 7;30 pm there will be a pot luck.Diner will be provided while the show is showing we are going to bring Montessori student into presidents and first lady's to life you can also invite yore friends to you will see that the show is about history there will be ushers and waters.Than you

Diner with the presidents

I christian am going to be Ronald Regan for my diner with the presidents the school is called Shasta elementary.I'm doing quotes for the diner with the president and I'm in a little group with my friend sam it starts on Thursday February 24th at 5;15 pm to 7;30 pm there will be a pot luck.Diner will be provided while the show is showing we are going to bring Montessori student into presidents and first lady's to life you can also invite yore friends to you will see that the show is about history there will be ushers and waters.Than you