Thursday, August 15, 2013

Seattle Concert

I my dad Michael Barnett and my nana Linda Hurley not to long ago visited Seattle to have a family reunion! I got to stay with my cousin Samuel's Family. There a great family a not the normal kind you think of ,that's what I like about about them. Anyway me my dad and Samuel all went to

a place called the creation fest it goes on for a week I think. There are different christian bands that perform different days! I my dad and my cousin Samuel went to the Family Force 5 concert and the TOBYMAC concert! Did I mention that my favorite Singer is TOBYMAC he rocks! any we stayed til 11:30pm for the TOBYMAC concert it was great I hope I get to go next year!                

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My Special Minecraft

I really enjoy Minecraft it uses a bunch of creativity. I am building a kingdom right now I just started learning how to build towers and churches. There is this guy on youtube named xSimpleBlaze and he builds medieval based building on Minecraft! I have started to use his videos for my kingdom his creation's are amazing to me. My story about how I got my account for Minecraft. One morning I woke up and I thought to myself I want to get a Minecraft account so I started mowing lawns and pulling weeds cleaning cars washing cars and I finally earned 27.00 it was hard but it was worth it because Minecraft is SUPER! Most of my friends think the same Minecraft is SUPER! If you like legos then you will love Minecraft I am not joking. Go to and create an account let Minecraft began!                  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Today 7/30/2013

Guess what...I have decided to make my own collectors Star Wars costume what I am picturing is Stormtrooper helmet and armor with a FX lightsaber red. Right now my fried Ethan is sleeping its 8:45 right now Today I am going to build medieval based building's then all of us are going to watch Wipe Out.
Util the next time     

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Welcome Back

I have not been on the Barnett Family Blog in a long long long time! Whats new? Well I am now 11 years old my favorite color is blue and I'm going into sixth grade. Starting This summer of 2013 I have set a goal to earn 800.00 dollars to by my self a collectors Stormtrooper costume and afterwards go to Comic Con with my father Michael Barnett it will be fun! So far I have 50.00 so 750.00 more to go I can do it I have asked GOD for help in guiding me through earning 750.00 wish me luck. Hopefully you will be seeing more of my blogs.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 01 - The Atonement: God’s Provision for Man’s Sin

When God created man, it was His desire to have a family of men and women in His likeness and in His image with whom He could fellowship, share his life, and love.  God spent the first five days of creation preparing a home for the sons and daughters of His love.  The Lord God created all the stars of heaven, the sun and the moon to give light upon the earth for His sons.  All the beautiful flowers, tree, mountains, rivers and all the brilliant colors of the world were given and prepared for the enjoyment and pleasure of the men and women whom He would create to be His own.  On the sixth day of creation, God made man and woman in His image and gave them the breath of life.  And God saw all His creation and acknowledged that it was good God placed the man and woman He had made in a beautiful garden prepared just for them.  Among the trees in the garden were the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.  God gave them permission to eat from any tree in the garden, including the tree of life.  However, there was one tree from which God commanded them not to eat; for if they ate from it they would die.  Notice that God set before His beloved ones a choice of whether to obey God, love Him and live – or to disobey Him, not love Him and die.  The God of heaven and earth has never forced man to love Him – or serve Him, but desired that they would love Him and choose Him with their free will and from their heart.

Memory Verses:

Romans 5:9 - And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, he will certainly save us from God’s condemnation.

Galatians 1:4 - Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Diner with the presidents

I christian am going to be Ronald Regan for my diner with the presidents the school is called Shasta elementary.I'm doing quotes for the diner with the president and I'm in a little group with my friend sam it starts on Thursday February 24th at 5;15 pm to 7;30 pm there will be a pot luck.Diner will be provided while the show is showing we are going to bring Montessori student into presidents and first lady's to life you can also invite yore friends to you will see that the show is about history there will be ushers and waters.Than you

Diner with the presidents

I christian am going to be Ronald Regan for my diner with the presidents the school is called Shasta elementary.I'm doing quotes for the diner with the president and I'm in a little group with my friend sam it starts on Thursday February 24th at 5;15 pm to 7;30 pm there will be a pot luck.Diner will be provided while the show is showing we are going to bring Montessori student into presidents and first lady's to life you can also invite yore friends to you will see that the show is about history there will be ushers and waters.Than you