Sunday, November 21, 2010

4 Toys


P1000834This is my Lego ben ten toy I think I got it from Wall-Mart my grandma got me it the toys eyes glow in the dark.I think his name is Chromostone there not mini Lego's there connects.There are 5 more ben ten Lego sets I've also got mini Lego set’s I also like the Lego video games to.Now this is my cardboard guitar I made I pretend it is a real guitar I rock out with it it’s  supposed to be a rock and roll guitar.It’s fun to play with it myP1000835 favorite  thing on it is the angel wings and the flame.It took about a half a hour I used scissor, cardboard box and markers it hurt my hands.At the top it says rock and roll.Here his my monkey he laugh's a lot he looks very weird and he’s eating a banana.I think the weirdest thing about him is that he looks crazy and his hair it  is a key chain I got it from my grandma.He looks funny because of his bely button I keep him in my toy box in my roomP1000836m my cousin has a cat one.Here is my brain bot  I got from camera she gave me for early charismas it’s eye shines like a flash light it’s fun to play with.It’s very cool to play  with I got it on November 20 first 2010 my sister is very nice to me allot.Now I just need 3 more mega mind toys from McDonald's then I’ll have all of the megaP1000837 mind toys the toys are fun to play with.

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