Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Dog

P1000832This is my dog his name is Charlie he's brown and white he sleep's whith me most of the time my mom even took a pickchur of me sleeping whith him.His birthday is february 9th he's fun to play whith and cuddle whith when it was november 20 frist he was 2 years old still.Cameran likes to play and cuddle whith him to my dad dose also my mom likes when he's tooken a bath.He portecs me when my dad is tickling me by play biting my dad same whith my sister.My dad takes him out evry morningP1000831 to go to the bathroom one time he got mud in the house so we made him his own yard on the side of the house.We call it the side yard because it' a yard and its on the side of are house he go's their when no bodys home and when he's been bad.And he's in the living room right now.he's mosely alway's in their.Now he's on the rocking chair whith my mom P1000833and he look's very comturble and comfy I'd want to be that cozy and warm.Now her we have his food bowl he has a water bowl to it’s by the sliding glass door.There’s also a food and water bowl in the side yard most the time he’s under the table when were eating.

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